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Maîtresse Cathie La Divine, French Dominatrix in Ottawa-Gatineau (Hull), Canada

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Journal Oct.,2012
Journal Sept., 2012
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Journal Jan. 2012

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April 26, 2012: The dangers of dealing with novices Funny video, cute and good actresses. That is why I never use a safe word, not that I don't understand the meaning lol, subs have tendacy to over use it, and it falls on my nerves! I have my unique way for safety and I have judgement.

April 25, 2012: 3 days left for sessions and then I will have a garage sale in front yard this Saturday.

April 23, 2012: I like to play pranks on my personal slaves, and this prank is my favorite because they all think they can have a piece of my ass. When I remove their blindfold, it's so funny to see their face. Another funniest moment: Sometimes, I organise gang bangs, and this one was for a slave who loves to suck cocks. One of my volunteers was a passable cross dresser and when the abused slave saw the bulge in my cross dresser's panties, he was so pissed off! All the time he thought my cross dresser was a woman. It was okay to suck dudes'cocks but not from a man who pretend to be a woman. (duhhhhh, a cock is a cock!)

Of course I dismiss slaves with bad attitude and who don't follow my orders. If I allow them to come back, there is no free lunches anymore and I double my fee. So I set free my grumpy slave, he rushed out, and we all had a good laugh! Needless to say, it was his last gang bang. The following week, he wrote and begged to come back, he was sorry for his reaction and being a runaway bride. Beg all you want, when you are a disappointment, I struck you off my list, there are so many who wish to be your replacement! Of course after he left, the party wasn't over, we went abusing another volunteer who did not complain at all by using all his orifices as I see fit.

April 18, 2012: Since I announced I'm leaving the business, you all want to remain at my disposal. If you have seen me on a regular basis (once or twice a year is not regular basis) I may grant you the privilege of serving me (free of charge), but if you can't be on my beck and calls, I will struck you off my list.

April 17, 2012: If you are planning to see me this Friday, I will be leaving at 1:00 pm for Montreal, I'm available in the morning until noon at my play space. Want to see me in Montreal? I only have openings on Saturday morning between 9:00 am and noon. Dead line for booking is April 19. This time subs have booked well in advance. They start to learn! Don't wait until I'm in Montreal because my answer will always be NO! I'm not sitting in my hotel room and waiting for you to call. I have tons of things to do!

April 16, 2012: This is another sad story, a guy with a reputation of giving out his shirt off his back snapped and beat his wife to death before taking his own life! To the eyes of friends, neighbors, people are portrayed as the good guy but with their own family they are tyrants. This is why I always say: People aren't made to live together, only to socialize.

People can't take failure, it's usually the wife who wants to leave, saying she doesn't love him anymore. Men will stay in a sexless marriage, and get the "cookies" elsewhere. Men think the wife is a saint, and can live without sex! Women are just better liar and don't get caught.

Can a couple survive after the spouse's indiscretions? It relies all on the wife, husbands never leave their wife for the mistress, too much $ to lose, but the wife will leave for their lover! He will only leave when he has enough of the constant nagging.

April 12, 2012: A friend sent me this video and said I'm not in politics but was all worried for porn industries. I replied: Relax, Rick Santorum dropped out of the race, some conservatives believe that Santorum's focus on porn may hurt the party politically, but I believe it's his anti-gay that hurts it more, and condemning you if you like it up in the ass! So now Americans will be able to watch their porns and fuck asses safely (except for 14 states, sodomy is illegal) and you owe it in part to columnist Dan Savage who made Santorum name a new definition: (in 2003) The frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex.

April 11, 2012: I'm receiving very nice emails but this one really touched me: Merci de votre support indéfectible tout au long des années. Merci pour tous vos bons conseils. Je suis mieux maintenant, ma santé aussi et c'est en parti grâce à vous! Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou quoi que ce soit lors de votre retraite, je serai toujours à votre disposition.

Translation: Thank you for your unfailing support through out all those years. Thank your for your advices. I now feel better, and also my health, it's mostly because of you! If you need help while away on your retirement, I will always be at your disposal.

April 10, 2012: Another weekend of ingurgitating a lot of delicious calories! I didn't gain much weight since my teenage years, I was 115 pounds, and I'm now 120 pounds. I know people who gain 15 pounds when they go on a cruise ship for a week and they go twice a year, and say to me: You will never be fat because you have a small frame.

Last year I went up to 124 pounds, (Arab men feed me very well, they love their women with a lot of meat) I'm not protected against fat because I have a small frame, if I didn't work out and not watch what I eat, I couldn't fit in my catsuits anymore! I don't want to look like Humpty Dumpty, small legs and arms with huge belly. I got the meat where it counts!!! And I look hot in a corset and I know you are drooling!

April 7, 2012: A worried sub asked me: Did you find a millionaire? (first, it's the millionaire who would found me, not the other way around, I'm not looking at all) All the women I know who married a millionaire, told me how they were in a financial abusing relation and got out of their marriage. (And no they did not leave with half of the fortune) they did not care about the money, they left with nothing, they prefer their freedom and start with zero and want nothing to do with their exes afterwards.

The person who earns more money, it's the one who makes decisions, and have control over their mate. Most men are jerks so I can't imagine a millionaire one! Just look at Trump! He makes me want to vomit like Katherine Heigl when she talks about balls! So it couldn't work with me, and my freedom is priceless! Unless you want to give me total control of your finances and be your abuser. Two doms together is not a good match, it never works, just like this video!

April 6, 2012: Thank you! Katherine Heigl for making a difference!

April 5, 2012: I love George Carling! Torture, Crime, Religions, Bullshit and the Ice Capades!!!

April 1, 2012: Leaving the business, this is my last month, rent is already paid, so mind as well stay for this month and play.
I haven't won the jack pot but a substantial amount, lucky enough I'm moving on to a nice retreat life! Too bad for those who did not commit themselves, see what you will not have!

Those pictures were last week shooting, a gift especially for my birthday slut!



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