eMaîtresse Cathie La Divine, French Dominatrix in Ottawa-Gatineau (Hull), Canada
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April 28, 2013: They don't mind that I write how slutty they were in session, but no name! patricia freaked out when she saw her name, (it's not even her real name) but she like how I described how slutty she was. I told her, do you know how many patricia I have? Just as much john, paul, bill, dave, steve and denis that I have. Ready to take off, should be back May 15, where I'm going it's + 30 c + humidex factor it's 40 c, I don't think I will tolerate it. If you don't see any entries after May 15 that means the heat did not affect me and I will be enjoying the beach, sun and good fun until May 19. April 26, 2013: I was about to leave after waiting half hour for slut patricia to show up, why wouldn't she call or at least send an email? I get them on my cell, no excuses! She finally arrived, I was so pleasantly surprised, I greeted her with a big smile! What a transformation! How can I be furious at her! I wouldn't have recognized her not knowing she was coming. I called
her Avon lady, she looked like a sale rep. with her executive 2 piece
suit, even with her enormous breast and long blond hair, you will think
she will arrive looking like a bimbo but she took extra time to put
her make-up, not too much and just the right color for her complexion,
natural and discreet. But underneath her elegant clothings, she was
wearing the sluttiest undergarments that you dream of. As soon as I saw her, I knew why she was late, at first I said to myself be patient, it's her first time to my new play space, but dressed like she was, no wonder she arrived late! But now looking back at it, she probably arrived on time, but it took her a kick in the butt to go forward and get out of the car. She arrived immediately after I lost my patience and I left a message on her mobile by saying I'm leaving in 5 min. For now on, anyone who will be late, it will be taken from your session time. Some don't realize that this messes up my next appointments. They think I have nothing else to do after, or I can just call my next appointments and tell them to arrive later. I'm sure you wouldn't want this to happen to you! I expect you to value My time, as I do yours in session. I read in a BDSM Community site: This is one of the reason why I stay away from Pro-Dommes, they are on schedule. By reading this, it proves me he also don't respect the non pros, and then he complains he can't find anyone! Duhhh April 24, 2013: Can't tell you exactly where I will be in the Caribbeans, my sub paid me big $ to make sure I won't say our whereabouts, he thinks if I mention, you all will want to try to spot us lol, paranoiac pas à peu près! You still have 4 days to serve me before I leave on the 28. April 17, 2013: Lots of my subs say exactly what this sheep says with a big cotton boner! And beg to shove this thing up in their ass, oh fuck yea! With a lot of yelling! And of course I occasionally do get subs who react exactly like this! It's not on their agenda! lol For milking me a cow, mooo for me! And some cavity search. This last one is not on my list: Breast feeding trauma. If Seth MacFarlane was at my feet, I'll make sure that he barks and tell him that a dog don't talk. ;-) April 14, 2013: Are you planning to have a session with Me? You have 13 more days to do so, you have until April 27 to serve Me. I'm leaving April 28, I should be back May 14, but I'm thinking to
extend my vacations until May 19. Best way to find out when I will be
back, simply check my journal. If there are no entries, you will know
I'm enjoying my stay in the Caribbeans. April 11, 2013: I just found out some schools in the
States have "sensory deprivation room" for behavior modification.
Students are trained young ;-) It is on demand! You can try it for 5 min. or over night stay, and rate is not the same as my rate for session which is higher since you need my undivided attention! April 8, 2013: What a nice way to wake up and to start this week with an homage letter received from an admirer that I only met twice early 2000, few rare moments I played in public! I made such an impact, I branded this guy for life and changed it too! :-) Bonjour! Maîtresse Cathie La Divine, Hier soir lors d'une soirée j'ai fait la connaissance de 2 de vos amis dont j'ai lié amitié et ce matin et par curiosité, je suis allé voir qui ils avaient comme amie(s) dans leur profil (site web contact BDSM) et quelle merveilleuse sensation de Vous y retrouver Madame,Vous qui m'avez sans le savoir guidé dans ce trajet BDSM par Votre formidable attitude et Votre gentillesse tout en étant sublime-sévère et intrangisante. Mon petit coucou a pour motivation de Vous dire MERCI pour ces moments particuliers que j'ai vécu à mes tous débuts de mes sorties publiques; cela remonte au Fétish Café de la rue Beaudry, à ma première visite j'arrive là tôt, tout timide, Vous y êtes, je Vous salue et Vous me questionnez à savoir qu'est-ce que j'ai dans mon sac....une cagoule Maîtresse --alors Vous me répliquez -- dépêche-toi et va la mettre -Votre beauté féminine et féline associées à votre Dominance = je baisse la tête et obéi sur le champ, ce soir là je Vous ai servi de jouet tout en étant merveilleusement connecté au fait que j'étais un débutant de première, Vous avez tellement su faire que je n'ai jamais depuis modifié mon rôle social de soumis aux Femmes Dominantes. La 2e fois que je Vous ai rencontré, toujours au Café, Vous aviez conçu un petit jeu dans le but de Vous faire adorer en infligeant de la douleur et c'est par la pointe de vos talons hauts rentrant dans nos chairs que Vous aviez fait aligner 3 soumis au sol pour marcher dessus...je fus un de ces chanceux MERCI et encore MERCI. moi qui est reconnu pour mes manques de mémoire et bien il y a des moments qui se sont réveillés en moi en voyant Votre nom dans le site de rencontre. Mon BDSM je Vous le dois en quelque sorte ayant été une source d'adoration qui est toujours en moi. MERCI pour tout cela du fond du coeur. Soyez heureuse Madame Cathie LADIVINE et pour toujours Vous serez DIVINE. En somme pour Vous dire ce gros merci que j'ai dans la gorge est aussi pour Vous louanger en toute honnêteté de Votre acceuil et ouverture tout aurai pu être différent par la suite pour moi, oui j'ai trouvé à être heureux à travers cette soumission qui m'habite et j'en suis très comfortable. Vous avez donc écrit la bonne page d'histoire en me marchant sur le corps et que OUI je Vous ai adoré. MERCI. je baise Vos pieds avec une révérence toute particulièrement adoratrice. andré April 3, 2013: He carefully chose the smallest Domme, arrogantly thinking She will not be able to put him KO. he was showing off his hard stomach by saying he takes very hard kicks, but never found anyone strong enough to break him. He has a playful way to brag about how tough he is (until he meet Moi!) he says even women with big bones couldn't break him! But why he chose Me? This petite femme. Deep down he is a frighten little boy. Thin, frail and weak lady he imagined, (pictures don't do justice) when he saw My legs, he got weak: Oh you are strong Mistress. You have muscular legs! Yes sub, Mistress skied almost every day for the last 3 months, 2 to 3 hours a day minimum, before or after or between sessions, so my legs can easely kick butts, throw you on your knees. And I refrained Myself to mention what else I do off season or after skiing to keep those legs strong. This boasting man might have run away! I can't believe how those legs don't get tired of kicking this humane punching bag. I replied: I'm not even kicking you with all my strength, only 1/3, and you are already feeble and begging Me to stop, wimp! When I showed him my kick boxing gloves, his eyes got bigger, see how serious I am! His attitude changed....fun session though, for once a guy who can take it! I said to Myself....ya in his dreams, he begged like all the others, but said he wanted to come back and he will ask for 2 like Moi! Don't judge a book by its cover! And don't under estimate the power
of a frail woman lol (for the scared, mistrust and apprehensive ones,
I offer sessions that have nothing to do with pain, bruises and kicks
or whippings, sessions are tailored to your submissive need) April 2, 2013: Those who know Me well, know how ruly I am, and how many rules of servitude you must obey, here's some more! April 1, 2013: Happy birthday to all my Aries! Capricorn & Aries, not the best match, but I' m surrounded by dominant Aries men who adore to be at my feet. It's a love and hate relationships. Guess who hates and loves lol their fire ignates my down to earth Capricorn and puff up my little burning flame Leo (ascendant) ;-) |
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