Sep 14 2019
I am trying every day
My yesterday sub asked me twice if I enjoy what I do. I don’t know why he was insisting (many think sex workers are unhappy at their job, are forced, and something must have happened like drugs, abuses) I told him I have been doing this 25 years, and I am happier more than any of you who are stuck in a “real” job. If I wouldn’t like it I would not have invested 20 k on my first year and keep putting my money in it for new toys to entertain my subs and pay a high rent downtown just to accommodate you!
I also get “you must not like men“, if I did not like men I wouldn’t surround myself 25 years with testosterone!!! Ask my sub of this Tuesday what he thinks about if I enjoy myself destroying his testosterone and fucking his vagina (hoping my fuck bunny gets to read this to testify) The ones I don’t like are the condescending men (and women) that believe they are better people because of their status, (yes I do get those once in a while) hey you go shit like every one else and will also die!