Homage Black history month

Mme, February is officially Canada’s Black History Month…. time for your sissies and subs to open wide. If, Feb 13 is Mistress’ Day for men. I am sure February is the month women get their revenge getting black chocolate. It’s so sad we don’t get any BBC by Pro Dommes. Lots of embarrassment for the white guy who’s not hung. Especially, when he sees the other person’s disappointment….. Life is not Fair. lol

Moi: Of course I’d like to have a BBC, but hard to find a willing one! Even if I had a BBC, my sissies and subbies wouldn’t come for it, because they can’t admit they are bi-sexual, and certainly not gay or as I read on meeting bdsm website on men’s profiles: they are heteroflexible (that is when they can’t get a woman) 😆