Do you relate to these?

I do!

This is me


In fact, any other sports on TV,

I’m more like:  I rather be in the parade than watching the parade.

I do sports, not watching them! Would you rather watch porn or doing it?  Which are you? 😆

I must have guys who also don’t care because it was a very busy day for me! (surprisingly)

Eating pussy = CURE FOR CANCER

Did you know that eating a girl’s private organ could save you from fatal diseases such as cancer and heart disease? (no wonder guys are so into this, certainly doing this unconsciously lol) See this link

But on the other hand, here’s another study saying the contrary. Your pussy eater habit,  will make you die of throat cancer. ( but you will die happy with a good heart)

Michael Douglas said his stage 4 throat cancer was caused by his frequent visits to the all you can eat fur burger buffet.  He did, apparently. (he was a smoker, I wonder if he stopped smoking?)

Same for women who don’t protect themselves from sperm

So the moral of this story, don’t rely on Google for the truth! Simply protect yourself by having safe sex, wear a condom, you will save yourself of STD. What you don’t know can hurt you or worse !

What the fuck doesn’t cause cancer these days?

ABC of Anal Sex



Fifty shades of Black

Parody of Fifty Shade of Grey. It’s not out here yet.

Beautiful Jane Seymour is in it!


Douche bag

Would you wear that? Nothing says douche bag like a scrotum back pack…..

You’re not going be able fit shit in there once it gets cold outside.
