I heard them all

I thought I heard them all and did them all! But this one made me laugh so hard, it came from sub O : “Do you have an old beaten car? (1960s-90s). Asking for pedal pumping kink/ fetish customs clips with you, if so I am interested, let me know make/year.


just like men who need to be pumped ? 😆 I am more into beaten men than beaten cars! 😆

Fan Club is increasing

Canada Day

We got it good

It is central AC at my play space, and full blast, not a window shaker

Quebec National Day

To all dads

To all dads out there: Happy Father’s Day

What am I doing?

It’s not a submissive posture, not a prayer, nor Yoga! Only the sub who took this picture knows what it’s all about. (clue: my feet)