Assume the position

I couldn’t pass on that one! Glad this is not a medical act (for now) because I would have the College des médecins du Quebec association at my derriere. I do the test but I am not the one who gives you the result.

The biggest farce is still going on: They made a video showing how to do this anal test. A 12 inches swab inserted deep into your nose to get a sample when a minuscule spittle coming out of our mouth is so deadly & contagious, therefore a mask is mandatory, (and Fauci said 2 masks), but if it’s so Bio-Hazardous, shouldn’t it have a bio hazard waste disposal at each places & stores for your mask when you’re done? But to make it more accurate result…now they are testing in your butt!!! LMAO How obtuse and gullible people are! The boogeyman is never too far.

Bonhomme sept heures

It’s from English “bone setter”. It was to scare kids if they weren’t home by 7 pm, the boogeyman will get you and crush your bones. When I was a kid, I never believed in those kind of stories like Santa Claus and I haven’t changed. If it was true, where were all the bones? Do children are that obedient? 😆 Does fat Santa can go down the chimney? 😆 You couldn’t fool me with incoherences when I was a child and certainly not now. Call me domme not dumb!

Now the boogeyman has stretched our curfew to be home by 8 pm to 5 am in Gatineau until February 22, because the deadly magic virus will jump on healthy people. We are treated like children. Unbelievable Quebeckers believe that “story” and are accepting it!!! How docile! Boogeyman has many faces! Don’t let the fear eat you alive because that is what boogeyman wants. If you are scared, stay home, don’t go out if you have morbidity and let the healthy people live.

Queen of Winter

Cold as ice

It’s probably the coldest day of January. I was born in January. I can take Winter and so I can take you!

A man with huge balls

Yes, there are still some men with balls (but too little too late). My admiration goes to Randy Hillier Member of provincial parliament Ontario. He confronts the government. Letter to First Ministers of Canada and Official Opposition Leaders Regarding The Chinese Communist Party’s Global Lockdown Fraud Kudos! To the only brave man in Canada.

Sub d: The Feminism movement emasculated men year’s ago and killed men’s spirit to speak out. The majority of men now are Cuckolds, Sissy’s and Feminists…. Look at Justin….”I am a Feminist and will raise my son as a Feminist!” 😆
On the flip side the majority of women are now tattooed, loud mouths, freaks and sheep. Reap what you sow ladies…. a generation of neutered men (pussy’s) and women who look tougher than men. There will be no revolution here you can’t bear arms. I guess the men and women can throw their pink panties and stockings at the Government…lol….this country is doomed to be enslaved now….So, sad. : (

Moi: When I see men (alone in their car) wearing already a mask and stepping out of their car to walk to Walmart/Costo (only 2 stores left)…oufff! Where are the macho men? At least put your mask at the moment when you enter in the store!

And there are those who don’t want to cross the bridges to come to see me, because of the restrictions. Parking at Gatineau Costco is full of Ontario plates. Downtown Hull has many Ontario cars, not all are tele-working, and there is plenty of Ontario people who moved in Gatineau and did not change their plates. Men with no balls…plenty of them!

Bernie’s going viral

I don’t know why they are all calling me lately?!? Each their own fantasies!

Follow up

on my Oct. 4 / 2020 post. My product is really good but not good enough to keep him in presidency. After his approval, it’s now available for the common people.

Order it now!