
World day of BDSM

Who decides and declares this is the day?

Cook books

Here are some cook books for sale on Amazon promoting a super food! These recipes will undoubtedly be an alternative to indigestible insects of Bill Gates. He should invest in this renewable and inexhaustible resource! 😆

A special chair for a special lady

Fuck Fest or BluesFest

The festivals are still going on as usual from July 6 to 16, and then you finish with Festibeer July 19 to 29 which is one km away from BluesFest at Place du Centre in Gatineau (Hull). I am few blocks away from BluesFest on Ottawa side. Come and get it!

Texting me

When someone sends me an email saying : “I have been texting you blahblahblah” ….for me it shows that you haven’t read my inforequest on my contact page. When you get my information for session fee, etc, it says clearly that my phone number to reach me is not set for text messages. And it says ALL first time potential subs who want to contact me, must be by e-mail and not by phone calls. It shows that you are too lazy to read thoroughly, I am not inclined to meet laziness.

A new toy

It is up to you what you want to do with it

4th of July