
Happy Canada Day

A powerful poem

None of these things I do, except for the last part

The celebration is still going on!

Catching up for the 2 lost years


Thanks to sub who made this photo.

8 kinds of fuck

and my kind of fuck is: I don’t give a fuck 😆

The devil in me

Mme, You said you are accused of being in a cult that worships the devil? Well, that is true but only in October, the wickedest month of the year…. and it’s more like YOU ARE the Devil in your tight red outfit with horns a top your head. Hell is your dungeon where you torture, torment and sodomize your subs and slaves who worship you there.

Don’t mind Maîtresse playin’ Devil or Demon
Long as it’s with me
If this is hell
Then you could say
It’s heavenly
Hell ain’t a bad place to be!

I have never had the pleasure of seeing you wearing this outfit. Do you still have it?

Moi : I am not sure if I still have that outfit, I will have a look and let you know. You are right! I’m hot in red.

I work only for the devil

I am accused of being in a cult that worships the devil! Here’s the only one I worship: My little devil. Of course he is not in a good mood, the torture lasted for the time of taking this picture. He has his temple and it’s not at my play space and he had no say about being neutered.