
Who copied from who

Smudge The Boss on FB, you will see that the cat and I have something in common

Independence Day Celebration


Busy month in July for festivities: There is Blues Fest in Ottawa, July 4 to 14 and then the Festibeer in Gatineau, July 17-27 at the casino Lac-Lemay and July 31 to August 17 at Canadian museum of history in Gatineau for the 27th edition, the Fire works. But the most important and famous one is the Fuck Fest, every day for this month and guess where? 😆 Must book 24h in advance for new subs. ( and I am still few blocks away from Blues Fest even after moving in Ottawa in 2022)

World UFO Day

Who would thought there is such a day?

Canada Day

International Cum Day

June 30th is sperm count decline awareness day and June 2 was international whores’ day, and who would have thought there was such a thing: An international day for My whores? 😆

Bonne Saint-Jean

to all the French Canadian