For those who see God in every thing


I’m back

I ordered those items at my with e-gifts received from subs. It was a short trip to the States, I left last evening and back home today. They don’t ship here in Canada Grrrrr Thanks to subs in Ogdensburg, I had a good time last evening and today! Looking forward for my next visit!



Can you quack like a duck when you suck

Here is a song that you will have in your head for the weekend 😆

Some random guy came up to play with his balls and he didn’t even open his eyes 😆

This one is for you Dollie D Mon, it may inspire you! 😉

Not entitled to give him orders, he said

Where do you think that comment has lead to? Never antagonize your wife  😈

Double Dick Dude

Dear Mistress

I found this:

I think this would be much better.
There is about 100 people in the world with this condition. Much better than living longer… even better than have a 12″inch cock.
Imagine the possibilities…. double penetration, and the fun!….Would be a dream to cbt a double headed cock in a dungeon… more needles,… also imagine forced blow job two dicks jammed down male or female slaves mouth. Imagine the reaction of an unknowing woman when he dropped his pants!
Dear sub
lol Photoshop might be involved.