Full moon

Green thumb part 2

Another Zucchini 12 inches! I have 20/20 vision and again I was shocked! I did not see it in my garden. It grows fast!



You definitely have a green thumb for growing organic dildos! Hopefully we will see someone have this green up his or her bum!

Mbs had fridge that was always well stocked with big veggies. A picnic meant get the basket with the biggest ones and see how many can fit in.

Moi: I will start to follow your recommendation! 😆 But I’m sure you wouldn’t want to eat my zucchini soup

I got the touch!

It’s my second year growing zucchinis, I don’t know why this year they are gigantic! Each time I look at them, they are getting fatter before my very eyes. I have been told the small ones are the best. Who would thought of this! But the funniest part I haven’t seen this one with all its splendor, it took me by surprise! I almost fell on my derriere! 😆

World day of BDSM

Who decides and declares this is the day?

Cook books

Here are some cook books for sale on Amazon promoting a super food! These recipes will undoubtedly be an alternative to indigestible insects of Bill Gates. He should invest in this renewable and inexhaustible resource! 😆

A special chair for a special lady

Fuck Fest or BluesFest

The festivals are still going on as usual from July 6 to 16, and then you finish with Festibeer July 19 to 29 which is one km away from BluesFest at Place du Centre in Gatineau (Hull). I am few blocks away from BluesFest on Ottawa side. Come and get it!