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Still displaying my new boots

and pink vinyl pants, last week gifts from Sissy Dolly Dmon. After telling her that gifts don’t help paying for my play space’s rent, which I may have to let go if this pandemic goes on for a while, well guess what? She told me she got me another pair of boots!!!
When she was taking pictures, she did not know she was filming and neither do I, and out of over 50 pictures, 3 are good, and the rest are all blurred, but the video came out ok! 😆 I look like a chicken with no head! Distressingly looking for my props. See the video at: https://twitter.com/cathieladivine It’s not giving to everyone to be a good photographer! I won’t recommend her to any Mistresses! 😆

Aweille à maison

When the Premier of Quebec says to go home, and stay at home, Quebecers go home and stay at home! They go by the rules and are very obedient…yaaaa sure! The Costcos and Walmarts prove the contrary.(thanks for the meme sub doggy) 138 persons with covid-19 but 0 deaths in my town according to this link: https://cisss-outaouais.gouv.qc.ca/language/en/18907-2/ and 18 deaths in Ottawa.

Want to learn Québécois?

Since most of you have nothing to do, especially after the house cleaning done, and before gardening will soon start, here few words you need to learn, next time you come to see me, (if I am still here) try to impress me! That you did not sit on your derriere all this time by not trying to learn something new!

Une traduction anglais-joual québécois!

English – Quebecois -(in bracket is translation) French de France

  1. Excuse me! – Eille! excuse-moi
  2. I don’t believe it. Ben wéyon don. (bien voyons donc) je ne le crois pas
  3. What’s new? – Pis? (et puis) Quoi de neuf
  4. Check that out. – Garsa (regarde cela) Vérifiez ceci
  5. Look at her. – Gar ladon Regardez-la
  6. Look at him. – Gar lédon (regarde-le donc) Regardez-le
  7. Do you believe me? – Tume crétu? (tu me crois?) Est-ce que tu me crois?
  8. Do you think I care? Quesse tu veux ksam fasse? (qu’est-ce que tu veux que cela me fasse) Est-ce que tu penses que je m’en soucie?
  9. Only – Yinque. (rien que) Seulement
  10. With that? – Aickssa? avec cela?
  11. Me and You. – Moé pis Toé. Moi et toi
  12. I’m gonna yell at him. – M’a y parler dans’l’casse. je vais lui crier
  13. I’m gonna beat him up. M’a yarranger a face. je vais le battre
  14. I’m gonna beat him up. – M’a ty crisser’n’volé. (je vais lui crisser une volé) je vais le battre
  15. You’re kidding me! – Vadontoé! (vas-donc toi) Tu blagges?

15a. You’re kidding me! – Vadontchié! va chier (go for a shit)

  1. It stinks. – Ostid’câlisse. (curse words) ça sent pas bon
  2. I was scared. – Jé eu la chienne. J’ai eu peur
  3. Get out of there. – Aute toé d’la. (otes-toi de la) Enlèves-toi
  4. Get out of here. – Décâlisse d’icitte. Débarasse – Va t’en
  5. What are you doing? – Kessé tufai? que fais tu?
  6. I ‘m spaced out. – Chudanlune. Je suis dans la lune
  7. Right there. – Drette la. (droit-là) juste devant
  8. Don’t go out of your way. – Bawde toézempa fais-toi s’en pas trop
  9. Let’s say. – Meton. (admettons) dit-on, je veux dire
  10. Can you believe it? – Tatu d’javusa? (as-tu déjà vu ça) est-ce croyable
  11. Move your ass! – Anweille! (envoie) Bouge ton derriere
  12. It looks that way. – Sadlairasah. (ça l’air de cela) Ca regarde à cela
  13. I tell you. – Chtedi. je te le dis
  14. I am so confused. – Chtout fourré. (i’m fucked up) Je suis confus
  15. I am so tired. – J’cogne des clous.(I’m hiting nails) Je suis fatigué
  16. Look at that guy. – Chek moélédon. (vérifie-moi le donc) Regarde ce type
  17. A lot of trouble. – Un chârdemarde. (un paquet de merde) beaucoup de trouble
  18. It’s because. – Stacose. c’est à cause
  19. Anyway. – Antéka. (en tous les cas) peu importe
  20. That’s enough. – Stacé. c’est assez
  21. See you later. – Motte woère talleur. (je vais te voir plus tard)
  22. Relax! – Cammtoué! (calme-toi)
  23. Damn! – Viarge
  24. She’s crying. – A braille. elle pleure
  25. Make believe. – S’fairacraire. faire semblant
  26. I’m in trouble.- Chudanmarde. (i am in deep shit) je suis dans le trouble
  27. This is it. – Datsitte.

Quebecois is almost like créole, in English it is called slang in French it is called jual

I got fat

What to do on a rainy day? Wash my hair and walk around half naked, and call all my friends to see if they are okay.

Safe Easter

Dear Mistress, Oh yes….. Happy Easter!….. time to think Chocolate! I am sure the ones who have been cheating and getting their weekly dose are now stuck at home craving it and going crazy! They won’t find relief with their partners and are desperate to get out of the house just for a taste! Both guys & gals thinking about chocolate this weekend, and Dommes are always looking to find one to use.

Moi: Dear sub, thank you for your big chunk of chocolate! 😆 At this time white, vanilla, yellow, brown or dark chocolate, even moi wouldn’t picky! 😆 …Happy Easter to you!

My Easter present to you

Just needed to have a good laugh and this photo made it! Pulling my tongue out, pretending I am doing my daily “business”, this is my response to Covid-19. Who’s missing my “water sports” and my “fuck me boots”?
Here are my new boots! Just got them delivered at my play space on my deck, and of course sissy Dolly Dmon stayed outside, 6 feet away from me. She was in pain for not to be able to touch, just watch, cramps in her belly….of laughter! 😆

That “curve”

I’m sure we will all have a little love handle