Powerball winner

Some potential subs and subs have had a little twinge because my site was off for 48 hours, no I haven’t won Powerball lottery or any other lottery. It was a technical bug.  I want to thank those who warned me through my FaceBook page and Twitter account.  Of course if one day I’m no longer in this field, (all good things have an end) I will not just vanish like a thief because I am grateful to all my loyal subs who have supported me all those years and they will have the right to know, unless of a sudden death, I couldn’t do anything 😆

And if I win the lottery, I’ll have a ranch and I’ll make you work like a slave on this ranch (cheap labor) Yes it’s a frequent request from Middle East subs as if I needed this and I would like to have that responsibility and I have nothing else to do! They already are coming by thousands in Canada, no need to go to the Middle East to get slaves. 😆

Technical bugs aren’t fixed, it’s slow, by tomorrow it should be faster to browse my site.