The Saga of Halloween has just begun

Saga: This was the name of the Norse goddess of poetry and history, sometimes identified with the goddess Frigg. This is also a modern Swedish word meaning “story, fairy tale”, a long story of heroic achievement, especially a medieval prose narrative in Old Norse or Old Icelandic.

Dear Queen of the bees: This is interesting. Early in a queen’s life, she makes several mating flights. On these flights, she mates — in midair — with anywhere from one to more than 40 drones. Drones which do mating with the queen bee are not considered lucky because during sex when the male bee reaches to its climax it’s testicles explodes and it dies. And the genitals remains inside the “Queen Bee”.

40 drones bees dying, you would think that the other drones see what happen to the first one would just fly away fast but no…there so, fucking horny with their big bug eyes and thinking with there cocks they just watch the exploding balls and aren’t deterred. Must like the picture you posted of the male lion fucking the female lion as the zebra watches in the distance. Some subs are like drones weak and super horny….like drones who have bigger eyes than the female bees…..When you post a new pic it has the same effect… Subs eyes get bigger and fixated to the computer screen and your new photos cock is hard, super horny and will wack to your pics…yes,

There was good reason I choose the bee mask……but now we wait till Halloween and the ceremony of the Queen Bee at your hive…will be fun, you will laugh at your naked sub drone as you flog my ass as to the music in your new boots! 
