Merry Christmas!


Spit it out final treatment!

Ready or not, I’m going! And it’s not having a finger up that it will stop Me!


Will he spit the f#@&!ng naugthy list?

How much more humiliation can a guy get? Do I have plush fetishists? Guess? This plush dog gets more than you do! 😆

Dog&Santa 600

Did Santa give up? Did he disclose his peers?

Do you think he’s “gender solidarity”?

upsidedownSanta500 copy

Special tree, nice sales pitch!

Paul McCarthy Christmas tree plug

The Local reported that French sex-toy merchants are seeing an unprecedented rise in sales of butt plugs: “We used to sell around 50 a month,” Richard Fhal, a sex-toy wholesaler told the Local, “since the controversy [in October] we’ve moved more than a thousand.”



Santa, the naughty list, now!


Holidays special

The special is:

When you prepay the total hourly session fee by Interac, you get a free half hour extra time. (your saving is $125) pay 1 h and obtain 1 ½ (this special is only for the first hour)

*You only need my email for the transaction.  This special is not applied when you pay cash in person.

Click on link: *Interac  to see instruction on how to use it. It’s a safe transaction method, no names will show on your transaction statement, if you don’t write your name, you simply need my email and after the transaction, I will receive a notification by email.

After you bought your “prepaid time” there is no limited time to use it.

* When you book and change your mind or don’t show up, and want to see me again, you will have to buy another prepaid time on your next booking at the regular fee. (of course if there is an act of God (or Goddess)  the appointment will be postponed without penalty)

N.B. : I don’t ask to prepay for your sessions (only few exceptions) in person you pay cash. See contact page for fee and more information.

You worked so hard all year, spoil yourself!
