
Guide to a prostate orgasm

I start with my finger on your exterior wall to search and tease your orifice, introducing slowly my thumb for your virgin opening and work my way up with small dildo or vibrator as your face glows and ready for a bigger one.

Long weekend

Yes I am around and available for playing! 😈 and my special is still on for September. I have been away for one week and few subs cried so I prolong my special to give them time to come and take advantage of my special. Meanwhile at the ranch…

Months of Lockgust, Chastember, Locktober, Nocumber, and Denycember,

The next 5 months are a celebration of Femdomination sexual submission

Back from Miami Beach

I found out where I was staying, it was not Miami but Miami Beach and it is an island and that Miami is on the main land. I was staying at a hotel corner of Collins & Ocean Drive, South Beach. Thanks to My Miami sub for accommodations & flight & to show me his town and for the boat tour on the Everglades, and for the millionaires boat tour to see where many celebrities have their houses.

It cannot be more confusing then where I live. Where is downtown Gatineau? 5 towns had their own downtown and have been amalgamated 17 years ago to 1 town and downtown Gatineau is not in Gatineau! Downtown Gatineau is in Hull where my play space is and which is in Gatineau. Just imagine visitors searching for downtown Gatineau.

The new town should have been called Hull because it was the oldest one, but the prime minister of Quebec at that time decided it will not be an English name for this “new” town. In my heart my town will always be called Hull and what Hull has in common with Miami Beach? Both are islands.

Miami August 19-24

Much needed vacations! The sub paid for my flight & accommodation and my time in session. Now you know what to do if you want me in your town.

OTK spanking

My femsub was here for a treat or is it my sissy who spanked her who was here for a treat? You can see the free video at:

Already 1 year! Huge special

To underline My 1st year at my new play space and to show you how happy I am, starting today and all August, $100 rebate on my 1 hour session. That is the fee I was charging 15 years ago! So don’t miss that one! It will not come back EVER! See contact page for it! (N.B.: I am away to Miami August 19-24)

Yes I have renewed my lease! so I postponed my moving to Vancouver for another year! On the 28 last year I received a call while I was packing to say there is a vacant apartment and I was ready to receive you on August 3rd. This new play space is strategically convenient for my paranoid subs who don’t want to be seen, by entering from one door and leaving from another door to another street or vice-versa. The best play space I ever had!

And for My 1st year anniversary, I got a present, new boots! sub doggy calls them honey combs boots for the Queen bee! Even got the top with honey combs & bees printed on it, and for subs: a bee hood and for Moi: a bee mask 😆 Thanks sub doggy for your fun gifts!