Dreaming of a White (cum) Christmas?

I like to post emails such as this one received last week

Wow, Maîtresse it is the Christmas season for sure. The beggars & dumb asses are out in full force.  This is why I stay away from crowds, usually something bad such at this video happens.  Nice to see handcuffs come out…. in Wallmart…

Phone rings…..”Hello would you like to donate to the Cystic Fibrosis Canada?”….nope….”you sure?”  “Understand this?”….click….. lol
I go to the drive through guy on speaker goes “your total comes to $$$….would you like to make a  1 dollar donation to….. NO!
Went to the grocery store…cashier would you like to make a 1 dollar donation to …… NO!   Before I get out of the store sitting down at the table a lady asks me would you like to donate to …… NO!
Get home phone rings…… Ottawa Citizen “would you like to subscribe to the newspaper?” NO! ….the news are outdated as soon as you buy it…there’s radio, TV, CNN, BBC and a thing called the internet!  He persists….”but we have good articles?”  I said …… “well to be quite honest with you… I am legally blind.”  He said “Can’t someone read you the paper?” I said “Ok can you read me something?”  Dumb ass starts reading…… lol…… “He reads the whole article …. lol.  I laugh and hang up.
Better to make a Donation to your favorite Dominatrix. …  Is it the season to get to Jolly?  Nope, it the season to get asses red like Rudolf’s nose…. and dream of a White(cum) Christmas, sucking cock for Maîtresse!
Hi Mr Scrooge

You always make me laugh! I totally agree with you on how annoying it is! Can’t go anywhere without being harassed.  It simple with me, I don’t answer phone calls that I don’t recognise the number. It’s not a secret that around 80 % of donations go for “administration fee” and not much for the “cause” itself.

Let me tell you, I know one charitable organization, (I won’t mention name) they have really huge houses. I’m trying to find a good idea for a foundation but can’t come out with one! I’m sure you can come out with a good ideas, you have such of an imagination!

The latest new foundation I heard, it’s a man who started a foundation for the kids who are bullied!  Hummm who would have thought of this one? Does one exist for the beaten men and also bullied by their wife? Sure this won’t get sympathies from women!

BTW, I do agree with your last statement, and you are so crual to make the newspaper guy read you an article! lmao

Mrs Scrooge
La charité si bien ordonnée commence par soi-même!