Good Friday

I am so lucky! I seldom get power outages, when I get one, it’s only for few minutes! This is because I live near a hospital and the casino, it’s the same grid. In 1998, in the ice storm, I was only one hour without electricity when many were without for 3 weeks.

I want to thank all my Kingston subs and especially the one who treated me very well at Symphony spa on the worst storm I ever seen and heard with all the thunder and lightnings that lasted for an eternity! I sympathize for those who are still without power since Wednesday. It will be hard to say Happy Easter when 50 % of the population is still without it.


I will be in Kingston, Ontario tomorrow. I will be back Friday. I am bringing toys for my subs. I call it amusement vacation. Looking forward to see again my Kingston subs!

Whose fool are you?