New year’s resolutions?

What is the first thing that comes to you mind when it comes to New Year’s resolutions? More sex? Lose weight? More free time, less work and more play! ALL of the above? Do you really mean it? First, we all have weight to lose! Especially after the holidays,  I have 4 lbs to lose! and you? Every time I come back from a vacation, especially from Middle East but that’s nothing! I simply eat less, more exercises and off they go! But for many it’s not that simple, some needs motivations and I’m a good motivator!

I have many subs who came to seek my help to lose weight, I’m a good example of fitness, I haven’t gotten fat in last 20 years, I don’t go yo-yo, and no diet, many come to see me for my fitness program tailored to their needs and of course spice it up with BDSM ingredients to stay motivated.

oooff I’m sure you have seen people that you did not recognize because they have put weight.  It happened to me, this sub was only 25 and 3 years after, he came back and I did not recognize him at all!  I knew his name, I remember how cute he was, but when I saw him I did not recognize him, that’s what fat does, and more weight you put, more older you look!

I’m sure you want more sex than you want to lose weight, but frankly do you think you will get more sex when you have a big belly?

Don’t get me wrong, fat is not that bad, I much prefer to grab someone love handles than bones when I fuck him from behind!
