Apr 29 2015
Apr 17 2015
I’m back!

Moi: Why does people have to be away to be more appreciated? If that is the case, I should leave more often! 😈 But when you are away too often, people gets use to it, then you are forgotten or there is no trumpets anymore on your returns. So it’s only good to be away once in a while like I do, I know how to make myself unforgettable! 😉
Detroit & Windsor remind me of Ottawa & Gatineau divided by a river, except without customs, well…not yet! I had a city tour and saw the ghost town, very alarming! Just cross our fingers it will never happen here! If they keep rising taxes and sending jobs to other countries, that will be our faith.
Before Henry Ford there was no middle class workers, you were either rich or poor, now jobs are moving to foreign countries. Detroit was 2 millions and now 650,000 in population, that is what the haves want but when there will be no middle class, the haves will have to move away too! They will be afraid that the have-nots take their belongs. History repeats itself, another French revolution might not be so far!
Glad to be back home and ready to kick off where we left off and see how horny you are! and also see all my hornyness subs! Level of hornysess is up in the air, warm weather is back, less clothes on!
Apr 6 2015
Honey Bunny Brownies
What goes in must go out! 😈 Usually My brownies come out from the oven in the morning around 11 am. To order My fresh brownies, email Me the previous day to reserve your batch. Contact page for email and information. Can’t come in person to eat them? order them! (to reassure the fearful ones, I don’t force anyone to eat my Brownies)
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