
sub : Hello. I thought that you had retired, so I was very surprised when I checked your page just now out of curiosity, that you still appear to be active. All of a sudden, I have a wish for a really good caning again. May I ask where you are located now, and how easy parking is?

Moi: I get many emails asking the same question. In January I wrote I will soon be retired. At that moment I was sure it will be by the end of April because in May it is my server renewal which I have always paid for a whole year, so I thought it was the only choice I had to pay a yearly payment, but recently, I found out I can pay monthly.
My intention is to retire this year, but which month? I haven’t decided yet, I can leave anytime because I don’t have a lease. And just like a sub said to me last week, you are having too much fun!

Location : In Ottawa, Little Italia, near Somerset St. & Preston St. with plenty of free parkings of 1 & 2 hours day time but evenings & weekends no time limits and I have a parking just for you, but subs are too paranoid to park at my parking space 😆 My availability is from noon to 8 pm with 24 h notice for new subs.